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Happy Anniversary to our Tubing Division

Jon R. Konerza

This article was originally posted on Tuesday June 30, 2020

On the 10th anniversary of our Tubing Division’s launch we are so proud of the work done and the team we have built. With many of the original team members still on board, our tubing division prides itself on a low turnover rate and happy employees, a reflection of Sentinel Integrity Solutions overall culture of belonging and success.

In our Tubing Division, we not only inspect heat exchanger tubing, but our group of technicians and analysts are cross certified and trained in other aspects of Electromagnetic techniques. These techniques include Pulsed Eddy Current, Tangential Eddy current, Magnetic Flux Leakage, and other surface eddy current applications.

Below is a sample of the techniques that our team has excelled in over the past decade.

Surface Inspection techniques include:

  • Tangential Eddy Current (TEC) – Trademark name “Sharck Probe Inspection” is an inspection technique which Sentinel pioneered in the field. Sentinel has also been extremely instrumental in the development of this testing technique by providing ongoing feedback on mechanical and software aspects of this technique.

  • Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC) – Trademark Name “LYFT” is another inspection technique that Sentinel was instrumental in helping develop and also used as a testing center for further improvements.

  • Eddy Current Array (ECA) - For surface inspections. This technology can be used on either alloy or in some cases carbon steel inspections in lieu of Magnetic Particle (MT) or Penetrant Testing (PT). This technique is ultra fast and also has a higher PoD than other inspection techniques.

  • PipeScan HD – Is an MFL technique that can be used to quickly identify Internal or external corrosion occurring in carbon steel piping. This technique can be used to inspect piping at approximately 3 feet per second, and can identify areas of isolated internal corrosion while the piping is in service.

Heat Exchanger inspection techniques are continually evolving and improving. Below are some of the techniques that have undergone technological improvements.

  • Eddy Current Testing (ECT) has evolved from a conventional style probe (Bobbin) to Eddy Current Array which improves detection and sizing capabilities.

  • Near Field Testing (NFT) has evolved from a conventional style probe (Bobbin) to Near Field Array, which also improves the detection and sizing of ID pitting.

  • Flux Leakage Testing (FLT) for tubing has also undergone an improvement in the development of the conventional probe, increasing sensitivity and reliability. Array coils can also be employed in this technique as well.

  • Remote Field Testing (RFT) has been stagnant for several years, but is undergoing an improvement, Sentinel is on the frontlines of this improvement and will be one of the first to utilize this improved technology.

  • Software – Sentinel has an excellent relationship with its Electromagnetic Vendors and is continually used as a “Testing Center” for new software improvements. This testing is done to define the new features, find issues that the developers haven’t identified, and also continue to improve the work flows of the software.

For the past 10 years Sentinel Integrity Solutions’ Tubing Division has been employing all of these testing techniques as a full service inspection company. We are looking forward to the future and continuing to provide these services and improve them with the help of industry partners both in the lab and in the field.

If you would like more information or have questions please contact Jon Konerza at

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